Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day

So, I kind of failed at doing a post this week about my friend Lindsay who does all of our friends' nails. To make up for it, I'm going to post about Memorial Day and I promise promise promise I'll post about Lindsay's awesome nail art next week! I'm going to make myself write the post this weekend!!!


Monday was Memorial Day! After spending Saturday at seester's dance recital and putting a few finishing touches on her trunk and completely vedgeing (it's a word, I just don't know that it's spelled right) out Sunday, I was ready to spend Monday in the sun with my friends! I went over and finished Sarah's trunk once and for all and then headed out to my friend Amanda P's house for an afternoon in the pool and burgers for dinner! (Side note: I know a ton of Amandas. Apparently it was a popular name in the late 80's/early 90's.)

May 28, 2012 - happy Memorial day!
Kendall, me, Bonnie, Lindsay, and Amanda waiting on dinner

Kendall made us play Sharks and Minnows at one point. I was never the shark because I never swam across the pool. I did make a lot of splashing noise though - haha. Amanda's man-friend, Jonathan, brought his two golden retrievers over to play with Amanda's yellow lab, Fred. The three dogs were hilarious! Fred was hot and liked to sit on the top step on the pool. Willow and Luke, the goldens, weren't allowed in the pool because their hair would clog up the drains so they would get on Jon's float and Amanda's dad's float with them. It was so cute!

Naturally, I ended up sun burned. And yes, I did put on sun screen - I even reapplied (which is kind of crazy for me). My shoulders and upper arms were pretty red and I definitely had a streak down my right fore arm where the sun screen went. But thanks to my summer BFF, Aloe Vera, the red is turning very, very light brown. I'm on my way to being tan - haha.

What did you do this weekend?

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