Almost a MONTH ago, I had a great interview for an unpaid internship in the Fort downtown. Sounded too good to be true! Well except the unpaid part. I was told I'd hear from the guy I'd actually be working with the next week so we could Skype interview (the guy I interviewed with was shocked to find out I drove through a tropical storm for an interview... My resume says TYLER on it, does it not?). Well a week went by and I finally heard from the guy I interviewed with, they'd been super busy and he'd pass my info along ASAP. Well, it's been almost three weeks since that and nothing. I've given up on it and talked myself out of it. As great as it would be to move back to the Fort, my initial goal, it's unpaid and I REALLY want a pet. Pets are expensive in the beginning, as is where I'd very much like to live. I've e-mailed a few places since then and still heard ZIP back from any of them. Is a courtesy e-mail too much to ask at this point? Even if it's a "We got your resume. Thanks, but no thanks." type thing, it'd be great to have it pop up in my e-mail. Depressing, but nice to know they go it.

On the positive side: Glee! Tonight! Britney/Brittany promises to be absolutely amazing. I just downloaded all the songs for tonight's episode - a FIRST in my love affair with Glee.

Also, please remember to send positive energy/prayers/whatever to the University of Texas at Austin after this morning's events.