What is currently on your wish list? New rain boots. A few months ago, Nappy ate part of one of the laces in one of my rain boots. It's kind of a lame reason, but those lasted a good four years and I got them on sale on Black Friday (40% off. I never shop on Black Friday)! And they were Coach!
Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app you have recently discovered that we all need: Matching with Friends. It's amazeballs. I don't have many real friends that play it so I have mostly games with strangers and it would be nice if people I really knew played it!
What is a new Fall TV show you have added to your DVR? The Mindy Project. I posted a few months ago abut how much I LOVE Mindy Kaling. Ummm, we should totes be BFFs. But this show is HILARIOUS. I also recommend her book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me. And even though it's not new new, it's only in its second season: Once Upon a Time. It's SOOOO good.
Share your Social Media links for us to follow you on (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Tell us which is your favorite and why? Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest
I love all Social Media. It's ultimately what I'd love to have a job doing. I'm currently obsessed with Instagram. I've been doing my Project/Photo 365 (+1) on it. I'm kind of excited to be done with 365 so I can upload more than one picture a day to it! At the same time, it's probably good I only do one picture a day on it right now haha.
What is a TV show or Movie or Song you could listen to or watch over and over and over and never get tired of…feel free to name one of each: Reruns of Friends on Nick@Nite right now is a big favorite. As is two hours of Boy Meets World every afternoon on MTV2. Supposedly Disney is in the works for a BMW sequel about Cory and Topanga's little girl, Girl Meets World. I have mixed feelings, obvs. And movies? Woah, there's a lot. Anchorman, the Wedding Date, Mean Girls, the list goes on. I can pretty much quote those three movies though. Those are the types of movies that no matter when they're on, I plan to watch.
Are you linking up for Sunday Social?
Mean Girls... so quotable, and always a must-watch, no matter how many times you've watched it! : )
Hi friend! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Happy Friday! = )
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