So I've been a little MIA on here and it's because I got a little thing called a job (and I have crazy ridiculous allergies right now). It's only part time and it's still free-lance work, but I actually get up and get dressed and go to an office and interact with people! And I got it because people ask me how the job search is going and I tell them; so kids, sometimes it PAYS (literally) to complain (you're not really complaining though if people ask and are interested in your life and that part of your life is an annoying job search).
Anyway, when I get home, most of the time I don't want to look at a computer screen any longer than I already did at work. Like on Monday when all I did was type letters, an outline, and work on the website. I felt like I was in college making ads for one of my favorite classes. You just get to a point when you have to take a step back and not think about it any more or look at anything related to it.
I am also suffering from some CRAZY allergies, like I said earlier. Benadryl, Sudafed, and now Claritin are my BFFs. Any other allergy remedies you know of? I'll be glad to try any other medicine or even home remedies. My allergies are so bad that sometimes my lips itch. It's the weirdest thing ever.
I miss blogging, honestly (not that I've been gone THAT long), but I just feel so normal and boring and just don't have much to say. I'm planning on doing The Vintage Apple's Oh How Pinteresting link up next week because I haven't done it in a few weeks. And soon I'll review April from my Photo 365 (+1) on Instagram. Isn't it insane how fast April has gone?! It's already the 20th!
Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend!