Game of Thrones finally started!

I started my part-time/freelance-y job!

I enjoyed Deviled Eggs and family time on Easter.

I had Jury Duty for the first time ever and felt like I was in the Hunger Games at the Reaping.

I went to a surprise party for my favorite Northern friend.

I saw my beautiful step-sister dance in her studio's ballet, Red Riding Hood. Check out her perfect arabesque!

Lindsay did our nails Friday night and we hung out with Calvin after I played some frisbee with Nappy.

How was your April? Are you doing Photo 365(+1)? I'd love to follow along with you! And don't forget to follow me on Instagram (@fmkey88)! OH! And don't forget to go ask me a question for my 2-year blogiversary! I'll answer the questions later this week.
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