The top 4 have performed and now it's time I tell you why I think these three dancers deserve to be in the season 7 finale of the great SYTYCD. Let's review the top 11:
Alexie was voted off first. She was a super cute jazz(?) dancer. Adorable, very cute personality, just didn't fully connect that first week.
Christina - beautiful ballroom dancer. I was sad to see her go because she was our only ballroom dancer this season, but that's how the show works, someone leaves every week.
Melinda - the show's fourth ever tap dancer and this season's only. I loved her personality. She was easily my favorite personality on the show and I was very sad to see her go. Not to mention she was the third girl in a row to be voted off.
Alex faced an untimely end to his run on the show when his achilles tendon tore away from the bones in his foot. I honestly thought he could have won, but as sad as I was that it was him, I'm glad he left when he did for many reasons: 1. I can follow him on Twitter, 2. He's hilarious, 3. He went out on an awesome note because he had just done the amazing hip hop with Twitch I posted a few weeks ago, 4. If all is well, he'll be on season 8. I don't mean he'll try out, I mean he'll try out and make season 8. He's just that good.
Ashley - Again, I was angered when the injury fairy returned and it was announced Ashley would leave due to rib bruising. Not so serious that she won't be on tour though!
The Top 6 danced twice, technically. The judges allowed a week where no one left which was nice however, two left the next week.
Jose - one of the best B-boys on the show in history. No one can touch Hok and Dom from season 3, but Jose comes close. It was his time to go though. He has that star quality needed to go far in the show, but his technique wasn't there because he was a b-boy.
Billy - Should not have left last week. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not his biggest fan. BUT, he has grown SO much since he tried out for season 6 last year. He was so flaily and just seemed out of control, but getting mono last fall was the best thing that could have happened to him. He developed his style and was able to un-flail it. Not only did his style evolve, his personality grew on me. I can't say whether r not I would have wanted him in the finale next week, but he should have stayed for this week over Adechike.
On to MY top 3. Winner first.
Lauren Froderman. This girl is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC. She adapts to any style like it's her own. To me, if you can excel at jazz, you're pretty good when it comes to anything else. Maybe, not perfect, like Lauren, but if you understand jazz, I feel like you can pick up other forms of dance. She picks up ev-er-y-thing-uh. Tonight we learned that she was involved in EVERYTHING in high school: cheerleading, dance line, and VP of student government. Can we say personality out the ears? Here are two of her dances that I think showcase her talent very well.
Hip Hop with All-Star Twitch BossJazz with Billy BellAlso of note: her samba(?) with All Star Pasha this evening.
Kent Boyd. He could win, but I'm afraid it'd be because of the mass amount of teenage girls that are in love with him. He's definitely got the talent, but he gets more screams than everyone on this show season 1 -7 combined and it's really started to irk me. I loved him from his audition, and he's just precious, but the fan girls are driving me crazy - that's the only reason I don't want him to win. Whoever does come out on top between him and Lauren - the vote is going to be ridiculously close.
Broadway with All-Star Neil HaskellContemporary with Lauren FrodermanAlso of note: Contemporary with Neil this evening - perfection.
Robert Roldan. Mia Michaels had it right when she called him a prince tonight. He is one good looking 20-year-old I'd love to coug on (although, my mom says it's not coug-ing since I'm only 2 years older). I cannot wait to get my picture with him at the tour in September. Not only is he absolutely gorgeous, he is one of the strongest dancers this show has seen. He has SUCH a presence and is so masculine in everything he does. He makes me want to try out for the show in hopes he's an all star I can dance with if for some strange reason I made the show. He is fantastic. He, like Lauren, can pick up any style of dance. He's done just about every ballroom style the show features and he's done them perfectly. Tonight he did hip hop for the first time on the show with Dom and killed it. I can't say enough about him. I love him to death and I hope he beats out wet blanket Adechike to be in the finale.
Jazz with All-Star Courtney GalianoContemporary with All-Star Alison HolkerAlso of note: Hip Hop with Dom tonight
Why I don't think Adechike should be there next week - he shouldn't have been there since Alex got hurt, let's face it. He doesn't have the personality, and if he does he has issues showing it. I have not connected with him at all. I understand why he's Top 11, for sure - he's brilliant in his style (contemporary), but anything else he freaks out too much about getting the steps and can't convey the character/his personality. He should have left instead of Billy last week, but for some strange reason the judges gave him a fourth chance? The judges have given him his fair share of chances and just when I think he's changed, he reverts back to the start. I gave him a chance, but I just can't handle his lack of personality anymore.
I'm done ranting and raving. If these dances have intrigued you at all, watch the finale next Wednesday and Thursday on Fox. We're sure to see a few of these again for sure when the judges pick their favorites. Also, if you love Robert, please vote for him - "East Coasters" (aka actual east coast and central time zones) have 37 more minutes to vote!