So subconsciously, I must be really excited for my big move (which is now happening a day early which means it's only 12 days away now - booyah!). Anyway, the past three (or is it four) nights I've stayed awake until at lest 1 am. It sucks because I'm mentally ready for bed and tired, but physically I'm not the least bit sleepy. So I've resorted to taking Benadryl, which helps, but not quickly enough.
Anyway, in an attempt to combat staying up too late for my old self, I'm not taking a nap today. Which means I'm having to find things to occupy my time. Like dancing in the living room with my iTunes turned way up. And trying to remember the last three or four dances we've learned in dance, however I can't even remember the one last night we did to the True Blood theme song. My brain... I gotta work it out, because I'm starting Grad School in a few weeks.
And I found Etsy. And I bought two bandanas for Nappy from
Itsy Bitsy Gatsby (a store owned by a girl with two precious corgis) and
some magnets with corgis on them. It's a serious problem. I have so many saved things I
need want to buy on there. Also, don't mind me while I become the crazy corgi lady. Or just the crazy Esty addicted grad student. SO MUCH CUTE STUFF.
Mom, I NEED to look cute for my new friends in FW. Please get me some bandanas. |
I guess I could also stalk camp online, but second term started yesterday and I don't know any of those girls, so it's not as much fun as stalking first term.
I'd take Nappy outside to play soccer or frisbee, but it's July in Texas, y'all, and it's just too damn hot. Sunday afternoon there was HOT wind. It was worse than no wind. It was awful. Speaking of hotness and second term, I don't know how those girls do it. Major ups for them because they go to camp during what is arguably the hottest month of the year with no A/C, so let's applaud them.
And now in an effort to not take a nap, I've created the single most random post on this blog. You're welcome.