My goal over the next few days is to read half of the book to refresh my mind. The book came out 3 summers ago when I was having my amoeba issues and I had a lot of difficulty reading the book even with my little old person magnifier. Needless to say, with that much difficulty reading the book I don't remember a ton of it, just really random fragments. I do recall finishing the book and telling everyone if it wasn't two movies I might have to boycott.

A few weeks ago it was announced that the first part would not be in 3D and I'm a little bummed, but glad that they didn't push the release date to make it 3D. This will be my second Harry Potter midnight premiere and my third midnight movie in this weekend of November (Twilight 2008, New Moon 2009). My group at school made t-shirts both years for Twilight and the group here in Tyler has expressed an interest in dressing up, so I might be making another shirt. If we do, I'm excited about my idea.

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