10. Snow Days 2006-2010
My first college snow day was ridiculous. There was hardly anything on the ground, but it was a miracle classes were canceled after the previous day was 70 degrees and humid as all get out. This was also the last day of November. Kind of a miracle. The next semester started with snow days instead of class. These were actual snow days, with a good two inches of snow on the ground, which was the most I had seen and definitely the most my California neighbors had ever seen. Sophomore year's most memorable snow day was the Thursday before Spring Break. the first week of March! When in Texas is it ever cold enough to snow the first week of March? Apparently March 2008. Snow days 2009 were my first off campus and kind of uneventful. We dyed Madee's hair for one of them. It almost looked like our senior year would be missing snow days altogether, but finally in mid-February it snowed. It was pretty much a blizzard for Texas! There were 7 inches in some places around our house and 14 inches reported in some parts of Tarrant County! My roommates and I walked to campus and took ridiculous amounts of pictures, enjoying what were our last snow days as undergrads. We got two days off, giving us a nice four day weekend.
My first college snow day was ridiculous. There was hardly anything on the ground, but it was a miracle classes were canceled after the previous day was 70 degrees and humid as all get out. This was also the last day of November. Kind of a miracle. The next semester started with snow days instead of class. These were actual snow days, with a good two inches of snow on the ground, which was the most I had seen and definitely the most my California neighbors had ever seen. Sophomore year's most memorable snow day was the Thursday before Spring Break. the first week of March! When in Texas is it ever cold enough to snow the first week of March? Apparently March 2008. Snow days 2009 were my first off campus and kind of uneventful. We dyed Madee's hair for one of them. It almost looked like our senior year would be missing snow days altogether, but finally in mid-February it snowed. It was pretty much a blizzard for Texas! There were 7 inches in some places around our house and 14 inches reported in some parts of Tarrant County! My roommates and I walked to campus and took ridiculous amounts of pictures, enjoying what were our last snow days as undergrads. We got two days off, giving us a nice four day weekend.

9. Big-Little Week 2008
Like all greek-letter organizations, HIS has big-little week and reveal. During the week, we leave present and then at the end of the week we have a big party to meet our bigs/littles. Since I had somehow managed to become friends with my littles' neighbors, I had a lot of fun hiding from them after delivering presents. The night finally came to deliver their costumes for Big-Little Night. I decided to have my family dress like fairies: wings, pastel shirts, foam crowns, and wands. To deliver their costumes, I had our dear friend Trevor put on the wings and foam crowns, carry the wands, and walk to my littles' doors. I unfortunately had forgotten about this until Senior Appreciation at Inductions last week and I'm so glad my little reminded me of it! Trevor was not happy, but it provided me and my littles with a memory to love and bond over.
8. TCU's Next Top Model 2007
One random January night freshman year, Stef, Brig, Kyle, Luke and I ran all over campus taking the most random pictures. Stef was photog for the most part, but the five of us had the best time. The evening started with Stef looking for A Goofy Movie and the Spin Doctors' CD(s). When we got back to campus, we dressed up and spent at least three hours taking pictures all over campus. Literally, ALL over campus. From the alumni center to the Jarvis swing to Robert Carr Chapel. I can't remember how many albums the pictures ended up taking on Facebook, but this night remains one that cannot be compared to.
7. Spring Break 2009
The first half of spring break '09, I went ot visit Brigitte's family in California along with Craig and Clay. This trip was my first(and only) time to the west coast and Disneyland! We also went to Hollywood to walk the Walk of Fame! While we were there we ran into the filming of a new show starring Benjamin Mackenzie from the OC. The show turned out to be a new cop drama for NBC called Southland and I have since last spring been obsessed with it. I was about 3 feet away from getting my picture made with Ben! Like I said we also went to Disneyland. As a Disney lover, I was thrilled to go to Disneyland for the first time (it only took 20 years)!
6. Random Times with My Roommates 2006-2010
My freshman year, I went potluck. TCU did a fabulous job of matching me up with McKinna. Two only children in a tiny dorm room doesn't sound like it would work, but 4 years later we're still great friends. In our dorm, Sherley, the doors were in little quads. I can't really explain it, but we had walla perpindicular to our doors. McKinna and I LOVED to color whenever we were stressed and being freshmen in college we were stressed quite a bit. Fall semester we decorated the aforementioned wall outside our door with our coloring book pages. At the end of the semester we had to undecorate and moved the pages inside, but I will never forget our homemade wall paper.
Sophomore year, I roomed with my friend Maggie, whom I had met at a going away party for Tyler TCU kids right before freshman year. One of my favorite memories with her is one night in early spring semester. We decided that even though it was cold, we wanted ice cream, so we skipped over to Frog Bytes and skipped back to Waits. The whole time we were running around, we were singing "Check Yes, Juliet" by We The Kings at the top of our lungs. It was silly, but still one of my favorite memories.
Junior year, I moved into a rent house just off campus with my friend Stacey and her freshman spring semester roommate and friend Amanda. We have now all lived together for two years and I can't tell you the number of rendom things we've done. A few times last year, we went to Southlake Town Center for roomie dates. Our first roomie date we ate a delicious little Italian place and went to see the Hannah Montana Movie. My roommates weren't really interested in seeing it, but we all ended up really enjoying it! Like I said, our random times are countless and I wish I could remember all the small things that have made us laugh.
5. Jello-fest 2007
Freshman year, our friend Josh asked my neighbor Stefanie to BYX Spring Formal. How does an Office-loving freshman boy ask a girl to formal, you ask? Well, clearly he gets her roommate in on it and makes 12 packets of Jello, puts a mug in it and gives it to said proposed formal date, Stef. Instead of World's Best Boss, the mug said World's Best Formal Date. Stef, of course, said yes despite her drowsiness. What to do witht he rest of the Jello now... Well, put it back in its bowl, add a handful of freshman girls and you get Jello-fest 2007. Some of it we ate a few bites of, some of it was subject to squishing, and the rest was a bath for Brigitte's and Maggie's feet. After we had our fun with it, we went to Frog Bytes (may it and the Main rest in peace) and bought an ice cream sandwich. After burrying the ice cream sandwich in the Jello, we returned the Jello and the bowl to Josh. As a joke, the boys of Clark put the bowl of Jello in Jim or Kyle's sock drawer, I can't remember who at the moment. The bowl sat there for 5 days before it was discovered finally. Moldy.
4. Tacky Prom 2008
Spring of my sophomore year, the Christian sorority I'm a member of held a theme party. Theme: Tacky Prom. While most of my friends wore stuff from thrift stores, my mom suggested I wear a dress she wore to the Rose Festival Queen's Ball in the late 80's. The dress is sequined neckline to hemline. It's fabulous - no really, I totally would have loved it in the 80's, but it's no longer the 80's and it's not so much in style. To add to our awesome 80's-tastic-ness, we went to the mall foodcourt for dinner and then took pictures by one of the many fountains in the mall. Several members of the group made up 80's names, but I don't know if I ever got around to making up mine. I asked my friend Kyle to go with me as my date and he decided he wanted to be a hair back rocker. Not having long hair at all, he asked where to get a wig. I jokingly suggested getting a Hannah Montana wig from the toy aisles at Target. Let's just say we were followed around by 12-14 year old girls whispering about Hannah Montana despite the army boots he was wearing, the fact that he's not a 16 year old girl, and much taller than Miley Cyrus. I also got a legitimate compliment on my mom's dress. That was probably the highlight of the evening.
3. Twilight Midnight Showing 2008
So, I started reading the Twilight series at camp. I was convinced it was just another camp trend - something everyone is obsessed with for the month we're secluded from the world, but no one in the real world has any idea about when I ask. I never got into the first book. I hated Stephenie Meyer's writing style(if you can really call it a style). My 14-year-old campers constantly told me I was too old to read it. I was 20 at this time. I wasn't old enough to do things legally yet, haha. I started New Moon at camp but had to give it back before I could finish it. New Moon was the only book of the series I bought and that's because I was on vacation and needed something mindless to read. It ended up being my favorite book of the series. I borrowed Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Long story short, these books were not just another camp trend. They were everywhere. When the release date was set for the movie, my friends at school made an event and we were going. And not just going opening weekend - midnight. We even made shirts. It was a blast! We ended up being separated, but we had so much fun making comments and laughing at the terrible acting, while still falling in love with the movie. When New Moon came out this past November we made new shirts and again went to the midnight showing.
2. Utah Game Day 2009
This past football season, I had the privilege and pleasure of watching my TCU Horned Frog Football Team go to a perfect 12-0 in the regular season. While on the road to our first perfect season in 71 years, ESPN's College Game Day came to TCU the morning of the most fantastic game of football I've ever seen played. I woke up at 5 am and picked up Brigitte for an early breakfast at IHOP and then headed to the Campus Commons where Amanda joined us to stake out a good spot to watch the taping of Game Day. We made signs the night before, too! I asked my roommates to tape the show - it was amazing to see our beautiful campus on national TV and we were predicted to win! After Game Day we walked back to my house and took naps since kick off was at 6:30. We walked back over to the stadium for the most amazing game I've ever seen around 4:30 to get good seats (unlike we had at Homecoming 2 weeks before). The football team also debuted the Nike Pro-Combat uniforms created just for us as one of ten special teams selected by Nike. TCU killed Utah 55-28 and a majority of the student body rushed the field. Not only did we defeat our toughest opponents in the Utah Utes, we broke the stadium attendance record! No other football game will ever compare... unless we go to the national championship.
In the spring of 2007, I joined the Christian sorority at TCU, Eta Iota Sigma (aka He Is Sufficient or HIS). Every April, HIS hosts Best Friends Weekend. Until this year it was always the same weekend as BYX(Brother's Under Christ)'s Island Party. This particular year it was also the weekend of Baylor's Island Party - starring Switchfoot. It just so happens one of my dearest friends, Katie, goes to Baylor. To kick off our weekend, she came up to Fort Worth Thursday night for a good time at Billy Bob's. Friday, after I got out of class, Katie drove me and Brigitte down to Waco, to go to Baylor BYX Island Party. Most of our BYX friends and closest HIS friends were going as well and we spent Friday night listening to Switchfoot. Saturday morning we woke up and drove back up to Fort Worth for TCU Island Party. Green River Ordinance was the star of our show, and although I didn't appreciate them then, I definitely do now! After Island Party, we went to Clark and straightened Josh's long hair and did Kyle's mohawk. No other weekend has quite matched up to that fun-packed weekend in the sun, enjoying music with friends.
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