Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Social

I'm trying to be in a better groove of blogging, but since school starts tomorrow we'll just have to see about that. I do really want to do a summer recap, but I guess my countdown post might have to count as that for now... Anyway, A for effort today as I link up for Sunday Social!

1. What are you most looking forward to about fall? Classes, but not the work (necessarily); college football (go frogs!); my sister being in Rose Festival in October; the first season of the college football playoff!; the fair; the SYTYCD tour!; weddings; TV shows starting back up!

2. What is your favorite sports team?  Anything TCU is good at, so football and baseball; call me fair-weather, but I just like to have fun haha; and the Rangers are fun when they're not sucking miserably (see this season)

3. If you could back to college is there one thing you would change?  I rushed, but dropped out because I got cut by what I considered my favorite at the time; I kind of wish I had stuck it out and pledged before making my decision of whether or not I actually liked the sororities that had invited me back. I also wish I had studied a little harder. My grades were awful freshman year and I spent the rest of my time making it up to balance out my GPA. 

4. What was your favorite class you ever took? TCU requires every student to take a religious course before they graduate and I took two; the second was called Religious Sects & Cults and it was all these random (smaller) religions that were SOOOO interesting. In my major, I took a Corporate Social Responsibility class (which I get to take again this semester!) and it was all about how companies give back to their communities in different ways to keep up appearances and be good citizens.

5. Reach into your purse- what is the first thing you grab? Hand sanitizer. Or my sun glasses. Wish a suppressed immune system, I don't go many places without my hand sani. And of course, being blue-eyed I need sun glasses 97% of the time.

Are you linking up today? What are your favorite parts of Fall?!

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