Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Am I Listening To?

I slacked off last week and for to do a Favorite Friday. I left the house Friday for lunch and was home for dinner only to leave again! SOOO busy, but so glad I feel good enough to run around all day like that. Ah, the miracle of doctors figuring out what's wrong with me.

Anyway, I love the Kardashians. I think they're hilarious. I can't get enough of their TV shows (I'm SO excited for Khlo-mar's show next month)! Khloe is by far my favorite, with Kourtney close behind. I used to like Kim ok, but after Kourt and Kim Take New York, she's really whiney and annoying so I don't like her so much. And what I've got for you does NOT help her case.

This coming Sunday's episode of Kourt and Kim follows Kim around while she records her hot new single. Hot? Definitely not. I couldn't decide if I wanted to curl up in bed because I was so bored or if I needed to stop it because it was SO AWFUL. Take a listen for yourself and tell me what you think.

Looks like the "video" of the song won't work, so here's a link to Kim's CeleBuzz blog with the song.

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