Thursday, January 13, 2011

Introducing, Jessica!

One of my sweet friends just started her own blog over at LiveJournal! All she's got up right now is an intro post about her, but I'm positive her future posts will be a good read!

Jessica and I have known each other since first grade. Yes, that's right, since we were 6/7-years-old. We've been friends since we were 10/11-years-old. Jessica is one of those girls that I can always rely on if I need to vent or just have a good laugh.

This picture is of Jessica and me almost EXACTLY 3 years ago. I think the flash got covered up by the photog which is why the color is slightly off and despite my wearing glasses due to the amoeba incident, it's definitely one of my favorite pictures of us.

Without further ado, here's Jessica!

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